Roots of Change: Investing in Curcumetto’s Indigenous & Afro-Colombian Farmers
Help Bojaya's farmers to improve their turmeric, Ginger and lemongrass production system. Our goal is to have a social impact by supporting the community's sustainable economic development and strengthening the deep connection between the community, their land, and sustainable growth.

La Asociación de Víctimas del Conflicto Armado Y Población en Situación De Vulnerabilidad
The community we serve is made up of turmeric farmers distributed across 11 communities in the municipality of Bojayá. According to the Sisbén classification, the inhabitants belong to socioeconomic stratum 1 and are categorized as A1, which corresponds to extreme poverty.

ASOVIVU's Mision and Vision
It seeks, through collaborative, responsible, and supportive work, to generate stable employment for displaced and vulnerable populations, victims of violence, and potential groups affected by factors contributing to poverty. The goal is to provide humanitarian support, respectful treatment, and conditions that ensure the dignity and physical, psychological, and moral integrity of entire families.
This initiative is based on the cultivation, processing, and commercialization of turmeric, lemongrass, ginger, and other crops. Through this, members of the organization can use their agricultural activities as a means of economic and social recovery while also achieving economic independence for their families.

Economic Development
What are the main projects or activities they carry out?
The association focuses its productive activities on the transformation, production, and sale of plants with food and medicinal applications. Specifically, it specializes in turmeric (Curcuma longa), which it processes into products such as flour and essential oil, and lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), from which it extracts essential oil with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antidiabetic properties.

Real impact
How many people are currently impacted?
The Association of Victims of the Armed Conflict and Population in Situations of Vulnerability (ASOVIVU) is headquartered in the municipality of Bojayá, Chocó, Colombia. This organization supports 205 families, consisting of 100 Afro-descendant and 105 Indigenous families, who suffered the consequences of the armed conflict that took place on May 2, 2002, in Bellavista, when a clash between armed groups triggered a severe humanitarian crisis.